Guam (APAC Central)

Asia-Pacific’s central server region.

Complete reach across the world’s
largest region of gamers

Get total coverage
of the Asia-Pacific.

With a level playing field for 1.45 billion gamers

In a regional first, we built a central server region for APAC on the island of Guam. The neutral location levels the playing field for gamers across Asia Pacific, whether they're in Melbourne or Mongolia.

Russia 65 milliseconds South Korea 60 milliseconds Japan 29 milliseconds Guam (APAC Central) USA 118 milliseconds Australia 63 milliseconds Singapore 65 milliseconds Philippines 60 milliseconds China 50 milliseconds Hong Kong 40 milliseconds A stylised map showing Guam (APAC Central), with subsea cables and latencies to nearby countries
55%of the world’s gamers
48%of the world’s gaming revenue
3 continentsfrom one server region
53 msaverage latency to APAC Central

“...could have massive consequences for an enormous chunk of gaming across the Asia-Pacific”